Articulate the Highest Vision of Yourself

Hi Wonderfuls,

The highest vision of yourself is the you that you are working on becoming right now. Do you know what you would look like at your highest point of manifestation? How would you regard yourself and others?

How would you talk to yourself and others? How would you gesture, sit or stand? How would you protest? How would you organize? How would you market? How would you advocate? How would you enter a room or sit at the table? How would you engage?

How would you negotiate contracts? How would you interpret your plans? How would you choose your wardrobe, home, decor, transportation? What would you be looking for, what would define your new standards?

Think it over and write it down. This is not a public activity this is private, sacred, honest time with yourself about yourself. Who are you becoming? Be intentional.

Focus On Your Greatness

Hi Wonderfuls,

Low self-esteem can devastate your goals. You must create a non-negotiable contract with yourself that demands your absolute loyalty to you. 

You cannot cheat on your dreams with doubt. You cannot cheat on your goals with sabotage. You cannot cheat on your future with your past. 

You must believe in your greatness, the flawlessness of your creation and know that because you exist you owe it to the world to contribute greatly and have that greatness multiply in this earth and throughout the universe.

Demand fidelity to your greatest vision of yourself endlessly. See yourself as beautiful, as strong, as wealthy, as loving, as powerful, as compassionate, as contributing, as amazing and experience the revelation of the greatness of those you serve reflected in your endless focus!

Be Courageous Be Risk-Taking

Be Risk-Taking

Hi Wonderfuls,

If you want something different and there is an option in front of you to do something new but it comes with a little bit of risk. Go for it. You can handle the uncertainty. You can ride the thrill of risk and be courageous.

We have so much work to do and taking a chance on a new idea or opportunity can be scary. But that's why we have courage, we have strength, we have flexibility, we have creativity, we have faith to serve us.

Go ahead and be courageous, be risk-taking and try something new. Your heart can handle it. Your mind can navigate it. Your will can endure it. Go!

You Are Enough

You Are Enough

Hi Wonderfuls,

This week many of you shared how you received confirmation that you are most definitely enough! You closed contracts, launched projects, sold art, created new partnerships, got new job offers, exceeded your weight release benchmarks and more.

All of this magnificent achievement came from inside of you! You are so much more than you can ever imagine. And that's why you are definitely enough for the things you can imagine. Continue to prove to yourself that you have what it takes to dominate your goals and soar into the next level of your life!

When you show up boldly and brilliantly you provide evidence to the world that anything is possible! Thank you for sharing! Thank you for daring to be you! You are magnificent and immensely blessed! Keep sharing your wins!

You Are Already Amazing Let Them Know

Hi Wonderfuls,

We all have "them" the people we live for, the people we show up for, the people we hide from. We have this "them" "they" that get us all in our heads about what to wear, what to say, where to go, who to be, and how much to spend. The truth is this "them" "they" wants us and needs us to show up and show out. They exist in our minds because they matter to us. But we get it wrong sometimes. Because it is we, each of us, individually, who give life and inspire and promote and support and empower and encourage and appoint. Not the other way around. 

Listen I understand for years people encourage us to be dismissive of the "them" "they"s of the world but I know that we are concerned about them because our growth is connected to our perceived relationship to them. Say what? YES, Your, My, Our growth is connected to the way we perceive our relationship to the "them" "they"s of the world. If we think we are not ready it's because the "them""they"s will judge us. If we are afraid it's because the "them""they"s will reject us.

But if we KNOW that we are ALREADY AMAZING that we don't need approval from "them" or "they" we get to give life to the world! We are intentional about showing up, intentional about showing out! We get to be prepared for our "them""they" and READY to ELEVATE and ACCELERATE our collective growth. Let's get inside of KNOWING that we are ALREADY AMAZING! Let's be unapologetic about BEING AMAZING EVERYDAY!

Know Your Worth

Hi Wonderfuls,

You are far more valuable than the dollar amount in your bank account. You are far more valuable than your weight in gold. You are priceless. Your self -esteem and your self-worth CANNOT be measured in currency CANNOT be measured in riches.

When temptation comes to calculate your success based on the number of commas in your account elevate your mind to see the immense wonder that you are.

Elevate your mind to see the depth of your talent, the breadth of your creativity, the stretch of your agility and know that you are PRICELESS.

Do not be deceived! Be confident, be bold, be resilient, be compassionate, be present, be understanding, be daring, be fully expressed! You are PRICELESS!

Be Brave

Hi Wonderfuls,

If there is something presenting itself to you in this moment that seems more than you can handle do not run. Face it. You are stronger than you think!

You are more talented and creative than you think. You have more resources than you think. You have more energy than you think.

You are more than your thoughts. You are greater than not equal to your doubts. You are greater than this challenge and greater than your fears! Be brave!

You have what it takes to succeed!


Hi Wonderfuls,
There is a scripture I have always loved about wisdom and growing up. "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. "-Proverbs 4:7
I have always found this to be so profound. "Though it cost you all you have" implies that the getting of wisdom and understanding is difficult and the difficulty presents itself through confounding and often perilous situations or circumstances. And it is in this place that we get to understand. We get to know ourselves. We get to grow. We learn wisdom.
It's our gift to understand ourselves, how our minds work, how our bodies work, how to feel our feelings and how to think our thoughts. How to use our words to forward our growth and interrupt the cycle of unknowing obscurity that feeds our pain.
It may cost us all we have but we get to get it. We get to understand and that knowing is protection, safety and security. It births compassion and strengthens our experience of love. "With all your getting, get understanding."

Grateful Grateful

Hi Wonderfuls,

We experience high highs and low lows. We go from shouting victory on the mountain top to seeking answers in the valleys.

In all these spaces we get to be content knowing that our life experience is designed to reveal a spectrum of emotions so that we better know ourselves.

Wherever we are we get to be objective and rest in gratitude. We can stand on the mountain or lay down in the valley and be still while considering our values, our virtues and commitments to a greater good. You may feel tested or rested today.

In either space be fully present and experience the gift of gratitude.

Make Space For Self-Reflection

Hi Wonderfuls,

Today make space to look back over your week objectively and review how you spent your time. Consider your wins, what you thought about your efforts and how it felt to succeed and accomplish your goal. Consider your relationships.

Think of how you showed up for others and yourself. Consider the hiccups, mounds, boulders or interruptions that cost you more than you budgeted for in time and money.

What happened? What worked? What didn't work? What did you consider more important? Can you account for these circumstances, results or thought processes in your future planning? If so, how? Write it down.

You are your greatest experiment so take notes, STEAR through your situations, thoughts, emotions, actions and results and watch yourself grow. Worksheet in bio✨